The need for an increase in output and a reduction in the margin of error in order picking is increasing within the logistics industry. At MDO Technics we help you make your warehouse more efficient. How? You will discover that on this page.

Labeling <span>your storage</span>

Labeling your storage

There is nothing better than a warehouse that works in an organized manner. MDO Technics is happy to help you with this. By applying labels, such as (bulk) location signs, warehouse labels with color coding, floor frames or inventory labels, we help you run your warehouse efficiently. Labels with a barcode or QR code are increasingly being used for data communication in warehouses and logistics centers.

MDO Group proud <span>partner of ONE2ID</span>

In order to run your warehouse efficiently, MDO Group has entered into a partnership with ONE2ID. This company designs and produces labels for industry and logistics. Whether you are looking for pre-printed plastic labels, magnetic labels, permanent or removable labels. At ONE2ID you are guaranteed to find the solution for your work situation and MDO ensures a professional installation.



Do you have stock locations in your warehouse that are right next to each other? Then our ID-RAIL system is a smart solution. This system consists of thin tubes that hang from steel wire and are attached to each other with connectors. This allows you to hang all location signs at the same height and create a well-arranged working environment. With this working environment you promote efficiency and help prevent mistakes. Thanks to the tube construction, the signs remain stable above the various locations and are less sensitive to, for example, gusts of wind.



In combination with the installation of (collision) protection, your warehouse is made even safer with extra signage and floor markings. In this way collisions are prevented. MDO Group advises and assists you with this to ensure that your warehouse is optimally secured.

A secured warehouse? MDO Group ensures an optimally secured warehouse!

A secured warehouse? MDO Group ensures an optimally secured warehouse!

Do you also want to run your warehouse efficiently? MDO Group can help you with this! By means of labeling and signalling, we ensure that work can be organized and that your warehouse is highly secured. Contact us for the possibilities!

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about the possibilities?